Sunday, May 5, 2013

It's time for a better way to follow blogs...

Its time to breakup with Google Reader...word on the street is come July 1st it'll dump you regardless. What do most girls do when scorned by a relationship? We find a new one that's even more fabulous than the last! It's time to start seeing Bloglovin' ...the coolest blog reader application on the market.

In case you guys haven't heard of the cool kid named Bloglovin' let me works similar to Google Reader, you create your free account, tell it which blogs you want to follow to get post updates and *ta da* you have an instant feed of all your favorite blogs right at your finger tips, on your desktop and your cell phone...never again miss a great blog post. It's perfect...kind of like caramel apples rolled in white chocolate and dipped in sugar! Yum. (By the way you can buy those at Rocky Mountain Candy Company...soooo goooood.)

So lovelies go ahead and toss Google Reader out on the street with it's cheap cologne and bad lines....and hop on over to Bloglovin' to enjoy a real commitment!

If any of you lovelies are interested you can follow me here.

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