Friday, March 28, 2014

Organize it! The Bathroom...

So how many of you have a ton of stuff that needs to live in the bathroom? And by "a ton of stuff" I don't mean like some towels and makeup and toilet paper...I mean like mass quantities of girlie stuff that would make the most understand man/boyfriend/partner/lap dog run screaming from the room.

Yes...that is me! I'd like to thank my mother because if it wasn't for her love of hoarding the latest and greatest beauty products when I was a child I would not be the woman I am today.

So in the spirit of getting organized and finding a place for everything in my life...including the numerous mascara tubes, wrinkle serums, face creams, eye shadow pallets and Birch Box samples (because you have to keep them all since you never know when you'll need one) are some logical and cute ways to get your girlie stuff under least in the bathroom that is! 

To get all the links for these awesome ideas click here.

And I just had a brainstorm I wanted to share...

If you take some metal from your local hardware, cover it in cute contact paper, stick it to the inside of your bathroom cabinets, apply magnets to things...then just let the magic happen!

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