- Myfaceworks I need to replenish Intense Hydrating Mask (a box of six masks retails for $55)
- One Bath & Body Nighty Nite Tonic Hydrating Mask (one mask retails for $1.99)
That is where the similarities end...
I'll start with the Myfaceworks mask. I was really excited about this one when I ordered the box. I am an avid skin care shopper and I'm always looking for a product that will keep my skin youthful and healthy. I read reviews from numerous websites and blogs before I purchased and there seemed to be more positive reviews than negative ones. Here's what my thoughts are:
- The mask does stay in place nicely...no sliding around on your face once you put it on.
- It's got just the right amount of product so it's not a huge mess when you take it out of the package and it doesn't drip down the side of your face when you lay down with it on.
- It did feel slightly relaxing but nothing spa like
- When I took the mask off my skin felt tight for a few hours after
- I didn't notice any extra hydration (I could have gotten the same results from using my normal moisturiser)
- I also noticed that the product that had dried on my hands from when I applied the mask made my hands feel really dry...like I needed to use a super thick hand cream.
- There's a ton of product in this packet and the mask is literally covered in it. I had to make sure I had an extra wash cloth with me to wipe my hands on right after I applied it to my face.
- The up side to this is that when you are finished you can fold the mask up, place it back in the packet, seal it in a zip lock bag and use it again within the next few days!
- This felt super relaxing while I was using it...I actually almost fell asleep.
- When I took the mask off my skin really felt extremely hydrated and my skin still felt great the next morning.
- You can't beat the price! $1.99 and you can get two uses out of it.
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